What We Do

We provide the means to make critical decisions in the face of complexity and uncertainty. We use methods as sophisticated as the circumstances require. We don't let their complexity obscure or detract from the essential learnings that improve decision-making.

Simplicity enables action, and preserves sanity.

Decision Support
We used advanced and robust analytic methods to support decisions across a wide spectrum of business and policy decision-making, including:

* Customer, stakeholder, or market segmentation, targeting, and profiling
* Customer experience management Loyalty, engagement
* Customer/stakeholder/user engagement and participation 

Solution Contexts
We have helped decision-makers arrive at the best marketing and policy decisions across a wide range of industries and sectors, including:

* Technology
*Fast-moving consumer goods
* Financial services and insurance
*Consumer durables
* Telecomunications
* Health care and pharmaceuticals
* Nonprofit and government
* Education services

Our services typically involve tools, methods, and domain expertise, like:

* Predictive analytics and data mining
* Conformal inference and prediction
* Cognitive and social science
* Supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods
* Deep learning
* Experimental design
* Analysis of poorly structured data, text mining